Heirloom Fabric Commissions

‘Have nothing in your home that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.’ – William Morris

Heirlooms Reimagined!

This quote by William Morris speaks to what many of us aspire to. Yet, so often, we have things that are invested with emotion and memories but could neither be described as beautiful nor useful.

We might be hanging onto a well-worn jacket or dress, a threadbare table-cloth, an outgrown pyjama top, or a precious baby sleep suit. We might be sentimentally attached to these items but they no longer have a purposeful function. 

The vision behind Heirloom Projects is to reimagine a purpose for these sentimental items, to transform these keepsakes and give them new life as bags, cushions, picture frames, covered boxes or folders, for example. 

Breathing new life into a keepsake could also mean that a single item is fashioned into more than one item. And each new item becomes a meaningful way to honour family history, a loved one,  share an important memory, and to offer this keepsake to other family members. 

Upcycle Precious Memories!

What have you got that you hold dear, can’t part with, but have no clue what to do with? Bring it to the gallery or contact me by email if you’d like to find out more about re-imagined, re-cycled, up-cycled heirlooms. Let's chat about your special item and come up with a plan!

Over to you!

‘A Pocket Full of
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‘OJ’s Wranglers’
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‘The Leather Jacket’
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‘Katie’s Dancing Bag’
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